Felttest: PV-moduler

En virkelig sammenligning mellem mono, poly, PERC og dual PV-moduler.

Samlet soludbytte: --
Samlet soludbytte: --
Samlet soludbytte: --
Samlet soludbytte: --
Samlet soludbytte: --
Samlet soludbytte: --
Installationsdato: 09-03-2020

* This is a field test and the results are specific for this installation on this location please research which is the best solution for your own situation as the results can be different based on environmental influences.

Total solar yield as of 27/03/2023 when the results were reset:
Mono: 9158 kWh
Split-cell: 9511 kWh
Poly: 9113 kWh
Perc: 9471 kWh
Perc-east: 1970 kWh
Perc-west: 1730 kWh

Lille båd

Få mere nydelse ud af din sejltur.

At få båden af traileren og sejle ud på vandet er ren magi. Uanset om du skal af sted på en fisketur, wakeboarding eller øhop i et par dage, er en sejltur lig med frihed. Du vil have den samme følelse, når det kommer til energi. Friheden til at oplade din telefon og afspille din yndlingsmusik uanset hvor du er. Victrons smarte energiløsning leverer den frihed til enhver lille båd.

Den optimale energiplan

Forestil dig, at du tager en ven med at fiske i weekenden. Påhængsmotoren fører din lille båd ud på midten af søen. Dagens fangst vil også være aftensmaden, før I slår lejr for natten på en lille ø.

Lad os overveje den Optimale energiplan, der hjælper dig med at nyde turen i komfort.


Hvor meget skal du bruge?

Selv en lille båd afhænger af elektrisk udstyr. Båden kommer med udstyr, som er afhængigt af jævnstrøm, men hvis du ønsker at have mulighed for at oplade din telefon eller bærbare, og det kræver vekselstrøm. Alt, der er elektrisk, kræver en vis mængde Watt. At lægge Watt sammen er dog kun halvdelen. Tid er også vigtigt. Du har måske 100 Watt i lys på båden, men de er kun tændt i en begrænset periode. En lille køleboks tager op til 50 Watt, men den kører hele tiden.

Som inspiration har vi fremhævet 2 systemeksempler baseret på ’normal’ og ’tungere’ brug.

0,6 - 1,2 kWh/dag

’Normal’ og ’tungere’ daglige forbrugsprofiler. Læs mere

Læs mere

Eksempel 1

Lysene bruger måske 100 W/time, men bruges kun 4 timer om dagen.
100 W x 4 timer = 0,4 kWh/dag

Eksempel 2

Køleboksen bruger 50 W/time, men den er tændt hele dagen (og køler det mest af dagen)
50 W x 24 timer/2 = 0,6 kWh/dag

Opbevaring & konvertering

Hvor meget energi bør opbevares?

Du ønsker ikke at lade motoren være tændt hele tiden. Det vil skræmme fiskene væk. Løsningen er at opbevare energi i et (hus)batteri, hvor inverteren så konverterer den opbevarede energi til 230 V. Batteriet kan på turen oplades med strøm fra kysten og fra en generator. Hvis du planlægger efter, at turen skal vare nogle dage, så skal du som tommelfingerregel være sikker på, at dit batteri har kapacitet nok til at støtte dig i op til 48 timer.

x 2

Opbevaringskapaciteten på et Lithium-batteri bør være to gange det daglige energiforbrug.

x 4

Grundet dens mindre afladningskapacitet, bør opbevaringskapaciteten af en blybatteri være fire gange højere end det daglige energiforbrug.


Inverteren bør være stor nok til at håndtere den gennemsnitlige belastning kontinuerligt, og den bør matche den forventede peak-spænding, hvilket vores inverterer håndterer fint (gennemsnitligt 2 x deres kontinuerlige spænding).


Hvor kommer energien fra?

Du har nogle muligheder for at generere den energi, du skal bruge på turen. Du kan benytte energikilderne i marinaen. Eller - hvis du tager din båd med hjem på en trailer - kan du koble den til i garagen. Ude på vandet kan du bruge generatoren på bådens motor.


10A - 30A
35A - 70A


Normal og tungere energiprofiler i kWh baseret på det daglige energiforbrug, hvilket bør være i balance med dannelsen.

Opbevaringsbatterier i Ah, dobbelt så stor en kapacitet ved hjælp af blybatterier.

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System diagram

Til et lithium- og blysyrebatteri baseret system

Hvordan kan denne energiprofil oversættes til et robust system?


AC devices

Devices you bring on board usually need an AC outlet. Think of:

  • Phone charger
  • Laptop
  • Drone batteries

Battery charger

As the name suggests: the battery charger recharges the boat’s battery when plugged into shore power. At the same time the Victron battery chargers will also power the boat’s electrics.

All Victron battery chargers operate automatically. You can safely keep them connected to the battery all the time, even when the boat is not in use. Waterproof chargers are also available.

Battery Management Systems

Battery management systems take excellent care of Lithium batteries, protecting the individual cells of LiFePO4 batteries against over voltage, under voltage and over temperature and will shut down or reduce charging (VE.Bus products only) or disconnect the loads when this occurs.

Victron Energy offers several BMS options, in general the VE.Bus BMS and smallBMS signal separate devices to disconnect the charging (Inverter/Chargers, Cyrix-Li, DC-DC chargers) or disconnect the loads (BatteryProtect, Inverter/Charger), the modular Lynx distribution system features the Lynx BMS and other modules for more control over the DC busbar. For vehicles and boats all-in-one functionalities are available in the Smart BMS versions for Victron Lithium batteries, but also include current limiting to protect the alternator from overheating and BatteryProtect-like functionality to shut down the loads when pre-set critical battery conditions are met.

Victron Energy also offers full flexibility when it comes to selecting a third-party off-grid battery bank (and their BMS) of choice. A large number of well supported Lithium battery manufacturers can be easily integrated through the use of a mandatory GX-device. This flexibility enables our customers to perfectly match their off-grid needs for their unique power situation. When working with unsupported brands, a Victron Energy Battery Monitor is required to pass on accurate state of charge readings to the wider system.

Se hele vores system til batteristyring


En batterimonitor er som en "måler på brændstoffet" for dit batteri. Den registrerer, hvor meget strøm der forbruges og oplades. Batterimonitoren beregner ladetilstanden, resterende kapacitet og tid til opladning. Batterispændingen giver ikke en nøjagtig indikation af, hvor fyldt batteriet er (især ikke under belastning). En batterimonitor gør.

Victron Energy batterimonitorer holder styr på historiske data, såsom antallet af opladningscyklusser, dybeste afladning, højeste spænding, laveste spænding og meget mere. Den vil advare dig om kritiske forhold såsom lav spænding eller lav opladning - og kan endda lukke for hele strømforsyningen for at undgå dyre skader af batteri eller starte en generator.

Victron tilbyder batterimonitorer med eller uden display, Smart-versioner giver dig mulighed for at spore de detaljerede data og justere indstillinger i vores gratis VictronConnect-app.

De fleste lithiumsystemer kræver et batteristyringssystem, som kan give batterioplysninger til det større system. På denne rute kan en batterimonitor blive overflødig. Se batteristyringssystemet for at få flere oplysninger Se alle vores batterimonitorer


The Cyrix BatteryCombiner is the only safe way to connect the house battery to the starter battery (to start your boat’s engines). With a BatteryCombiner you can charge the house battery from the alternator without running the risk of draining the starter battery (which always should be ready to go). When other sources of power are available (eg. shore/solar/generator power), the Cyrix BatteryCombiner will allow bi-directional charging from the house battery to the starter battery.

When the Voltages of the starter and house batteries are the same, use a Cyrix: its current rating should be equal or bigger than the current rating of the alternator. If the house battery is Lithium and the alternators Amperage is smaller than the house battery, or when the Voltages of the starter and house battery are different: use a Orion or Buck-Boost.


BatteryProtect-funktionen afbryder batteriet fra enheder, der ikke er væsentlige, før det er helt afladet (hvilket kan beskadige batteriet), eller før det har utilstrækkelig strøm tilbage til at starte motoren.

Der er mere ved en Victron Energy BatteryProtect. Indbyggede forsinkelser til nedlukning sikrer, at vital elektronik ikke afbrydes ved en fejl, det vil sige at når en motor startes, forårsager det et kort spændingsfald. Den vil også automatisk tilslutte alt igen, når batteriet er tilstrækkeligt opladet.
BatteryProtect har en fjernbetjening, så den kan tændes/slukkes via en BMS eller switch. Den smarte version kan programmeres via VictronConnect appen.

Se vores udvalg af BatteryProtect-modeller

BMS 12/200

The BMS 12/200 is a dedicated battery management system (BMS) that protects Victron Smart 12,8V LFP batteries against deep discharges, overcharging and high temperatures with up to 200 Amps maximum DC current. When critical values are exceeded, the BMS acts immediately: loads are disconnected physically in case of a deep discharge and charging is stopped when there is a risk of overcharging. High temperatures trigger an immediate end to both charging and discharging.

This is the only BMS that can be directly connected to an alternator, protecting them from overload/overheating. This works with a combination of an AB fuse (rated in accordance with the expected max load current of the alternator) and an internal programmable input (which limits the input current electronically to 80% of the AB fuse).

Please check your manufacturer for the maximum charging current of your alternator and size AB fuses of the BMS 12/200 accordingly, see manual.

When different Lithium batteries & higher voltages are used, other solutions are needed, such as the VE.bus BMS and Lynx-Ion.

See our bigger boat types to see a bigger Lithium system and BMS See more info on alternator charging Lithium (and not blow them up)

Boat engines

Small motor boats rely on their engine to get the job done. Their engine comes with an alternator to charge the engine batteries, drive fuel pumps, etc.

Once the starter batteries are recharged, the engines can also recharge the house battery and power the boats electronics. When the engine is used the majority of the day, there will always be enough energy generation to compensate the daily consumption. However, when the boat isn’t used over time, batteries might run dead eventually. Our battery chargers take excellent care of your batteries when in the harbour or garage.

Boat Electronics

A small boat will have several electronic devices; they all run of the house battery. Think of:

  • Boat control panel
  • Log/depth sounder
  • Chart-plotter or GPS
  • VHF Radio
  • Navigation lights
  • Pump – Bilge, deck wash
  • Fridge
  • Interior lighting
  • Music player
  • Bait Tank – Recirculating
  • Electric Fishing Reels/winches


Battery chargers recharge batteries (DC) when plugged into shore power (AC).
At the same time the Victron Energy battery chargers can also power devices directly.

All Victron Energy battery chargers are developed for professional duty. Our advanced multi step charging algorithms get the best out of your battery, giving the battery the power it needs, maintaining its health, ensuring better performance... and a longer life.

Smart models work with VictronConnect, so you can check the status and configure all settings of your battery charger remotely via Bluetooth. Chargers with different waterproof ratings (IP rating) are also available. Our wide range of models makes it easy to select the right charger, saving you the cost of having to buy a larger one.

Se alle vores opladere

House battery

The house battery supplies power to your boat’s electrical system. Choose a battery with a generous capacity as there might be long intervals between re-charges. Sometimes the starter battery doubles up as the house battery. If you opt for this set-up, make sure the battery is well protected against discharge. It will be hard to start the boat when the battery is flat.

For a house battery you can choose from two types: lead-acid and lithium. There are various reasons to favour one over the other. Here are a few common ones:

  • Choose Lead-Acid when:
  • Use occasionally
  • Lower purchase cost
  • Weight and space are not an issue
  • Normal charging
  • Choose Lithium when:
  • Use daily
  • Lower cost per cycle
  • Weight and space considerations
  • Fast charging

House battery

The house battery supplies power to your boat’s electrical system. Choose a battery with a generous capacity as there might be long intervals between re-charges. Sometimes the starter battery doubles up as the house battery. If you opt for this set-up, make sure the battery is well protected against discharge. It will be hard to start the boat when the battery is flat.

For a house battery you can choose from two types: lead-acid and lithium. There are various reasons to favour one over the other. Here are a few common ones:

  • Choose Lead-Acid when:
  • Use occasionally
  • Lower purchase cost
  • Weight and space are not an issue
  • Normal charging
  • Choose Lithium when:
  • Use daily
  • Lower cost per cycle
  • Weight and space considerations
  • Fast charging


An inverter creates AC power from a DC source. It lets you use devices on board that need a regular AC outlet.

The inverter needs to be big enough to handle the maximum AC load you want to bring on board. If the load exceeds 375 VA, you might consider a combined inverter/charger instead. Models start at 500 VA.

Starter Battery

The starter battery is needed to start your boat’s engine. These batteries are different from house batteries and engineered to deal with a large discharge current. The starter battery should always be ready to go. It’s best to isolate the starter battery from all other electrical circuits on board, so it cannot be accidentally drained of power, with a BatteryCombiner.

Shore Power

Either in the marina or back home you’ll hook the boats charger up to shore power to recharge the battery. Shore power can also be used for maintenance and to run large AC loads.


All Victron products on your boat can be monitored and controlled from the palm of your hand. Just connect the VictronConnect App via Bluetooth and you’ll have direct access to indicators like battery voltage and current. You can also turn devices on or off, as well as change their settings.

See what the VictronConnect app can do

Energiforbruget vil variere fra båd til båd og fra ejer til ejer, selv på mindre både. Her er to eksempler - med et normalt og tungere dagligt energiforbrug - på, hvordan en Optimal energiplan kan se ud for en lille båd.

Bemærk venligst de mange faktorer, der kommer i spil, når du designer og installerer din optimale løsning: din Victron Professional vil gladeligt hjælpe dig med det.

For at se denne detaljerede tabel og hele afsnittet ordentligt skal du overveje at bruge en moderne browser.

Åben motorbåd, fiskebåd, wakeboard-båd ±19 - 26 ft.
Samme båd, men brugt mere intenst: længere sejlture, mere komfort og flere personer om bord.
Dagligt energiforbrug
0,6 kWh
1,2 kWh
Peak styrke
400 W
900 W
Opbevaring og invertering
Victron Phoenix
Smart BatteryProtect
65 A
erstattet med Smart BMS 12/200 i tilfælde med Victron Smart Lithium 12,8 V batteri
100 A
erstattet med Smart BMS 12/200 i tilfælde med Victron Smart Lithium 12,8 V batteri
110 Ah 12 V AGM
Eller 60 Ah 12,8 V Lithium
220 Ah 12 V AGM
Eller 100 Ah - 150 Ah 12,8 V Lithium
Cyrix 120 A
eller med Smart BMS 12/200 i tilfælde med Victron Smart Lithium 12,8 V batteri
Cyrix 120 A
eller med Smart BMS 12/200 i tilfælde med Victron Smart Lithium 12,8 V batteri
35 A - 70 A
35 A - 70 A
Landstrømsklasse 230 V
16 A
16 A
Batterioplader (fra land)
12 V, 10 A til 15 A Blue Smart oplader
12 V, 20 A til 30 A Blue Smart oplader
Tilgængelige udvidelser
Battery monitor BMV-712 Smart
Battery monitor BMV-712 Smart
Vis fuld liste

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Vores veletablerede, globale netværk af lokale Victron Professionals er dedikeret til at hjælpe med at finde en optimal løsning til din udfordring.

Regn med vores verdensomspændende service

Hos Victron finder vi det essentielt, at kunderne betjenes og støttes hurtigt og kompetent. Derfor er vores globale netværk af Victron Professionals udstyret med det højeste niveau af teknisk know-how, og de er dedikerede til at levere reparationer så hurtigt som muligt.

Så du kan starte eller fortsætte din sejltur, uanset hvor du er på vej hen.